Living on the beach

Living on the beach, makes it easy to see when conditions are right for going fishing from the beach or go out in waders for some trout fishing!

Winter fishing hot just now!

Southeasterly wind, dark and murky, high water levels falling, perfect conditions for a beach walk before breakfast🤗 playing with more UV dots that seems to trick the strikes lately! Certainly worked on this very strong fish!

Today I Picked up plastic for the first time in weeks, big recognition for the work my colleague Nikolaj Korsholm have done with plastic in the basket project! Here on the beach, where 1000’s of people pass every week, I very rarely see plastic!! Let’s help each other to keep it up💪🎣

Southeasterly wind, dark and murky, high water levels falling, perfect conditions for a beach walk before breakfast🤗 playing with more UV dots that seems to trick the strikes lately! Certainly worked on this very strong fish!  Today I Picked up plastic f

UV dots gets the job done!

